Forgotten Baby Syndrome... disease? mental health?

It can happen to anyone.

What is Forgotten Baby Syndrome? 
It is a term of medical explanation which parents accidentally forget their children inside the locked vehicles and walk away without realizing and it will cause the child die due to heatstroke and trap inside the car.

Why this Syndrome happen?
Our brain store two memory which is "Habit Memory System" and "Prospective Memory System". 

Now i would like to explain these two memory. For Habit Memory System, is a routine of a person each day perform a task which is repetition and become daily routine without thinking. For example, driving home each day by using the same route. This happened to us everyday right?  

While...for Prospective Memory System is a memory involve to remember or recall the task and plan need to be perform in future. This is a process of a person need to think for their next plan and make a decision. For example, I'm gonna fill up car oil tank before heading to college so I need to think which route is the best for me to drive and create convenient for myself. This also will happen to us as well.

But every memory and storage in our brain is limited, just like Pen-drive, Hard-disk and SD card.   

Whom should be blame to?
Shall parents to be blame? There is no right and wrong. Just because of society's pressure and cause parents stress on work or loss of sleep due to tiredness and this is very common that occur to parents.
I believe that every parents do love their children. FBS can happened to anyone, although you're the most loving person to your children on this planet.

How to prevent?
→ put a pair of working shoes or working documents behind your seat, so you will automatically turn to the back and reach the things you want.
→get in the habit which always look in the front and back seat when you lock your car.
→put a baby toy for your children which produce sound and this makes you alert.

And there was no evidence stated that you're trying to murder your children and it is just a tragic accident.

Is Forgotten Baby Syndrome to be blame? 

What do you think?

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